Author, Photographer and Illustrator:
Jehu Geddes Mota Ryan, MBA
All Right Reserved
Copyright ©2009
Editor: Nishae Denise Brown
1. Dedication
2. About The Book
3. About The Author
4. Good Diet
5. Exercise
6. Reading
7. Social
8. Networking
9. Career
10. Spirituality
11. Volunteering
12. Donation
13. Leadership
14. Family
15. Education
16. Economize
17. Art
18. Vacation
19. Friendship
20. Plan
21. Celebrate Success
22. Thank you
I dedicated this book to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob the one and only truth God of the Jews, Christians, and Muslim. Thank you God Almighty the Powerful!
The book is based on real life experiences from the author’s education and professional life. This book is for readers who wish to learn and exercise good habits such as educating their body to eat well, encouraging themselves to maintained a healthy lifestyle through physical education, spirituality and all forms of art and creativity. The book provide tips on education, career and networking, reading, developing new skills, saving money and programming yourself to be the best. The readers will refresh and learn new tips and will be encourage to apply their knowledge and experiences in everyday activities for self-accomplishment and success all together working in harmony.
Jehu Geddes Mota Ryan was reared in the Island of Trinidad and Tobago by Venezuelan and Trinidadian Parents. Jehu Mota is a Jewish Christian. He knows that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is our parent, creator, mentor, country, president, king, queen, and teacher. He love God very much as a child love his parents. He knows and believes that God will unite the Jews, the Christians, and the Muslims under one roof and family working together and united for his glory, kingdom, and power.
He went to school in Arrecife Vista al Mar transfer to Juan de Urpin Primary School, Maiquetia, Venezuela and graduated with merits in 1989. He immigrated to United States in 1993 and attended Compton Senior High School in which he graduated with honors in 1996. He continued his education by getting accepted to Woodbury University in which he earned a Bachelor of Science International Business degree in 2000 and a Master of Business Administration degree in 2004.
During his academics studies he was awarded 3 department awards. He also studied French abroad at the Université de Lausanne, Switzerland. He understand Portuguese and Turkish. He has professional experienced working for Alcoa Fastening Systems, California Peace Action and Los Angeles Unified School District. He also was a volunteer for the Bay Area Alternative Press. He believe education, experience and intelligence is the key of success.
He went to school in Arrecife Vista al Mar transfer to Juan de Urpin Primary School, Maiquetia, Venezuela and graduated with merits in 1989. He immigrated to United States in 1993 and attended Compton Senior High School in which he graduated with honors in 1996. He continued his education by getting accepted to Woodbury University in which he earned a Bachelor of Science International Business degree in 2000 and a Master of Business Administration degree in 2004.
During his academics studies he was awarded 3 department awards. He also studied French abroad at the Université de Lausanne, Switzerland. He understand Portuguese and Turkish. He has professional experienced working for Alcoa Fastening Systems, California Peace Action and Los Angeles Unified School District. He also was a volunteer for the Bay Area Alternative Press. He believe education, experience and intelligence is the key of success.
Being healthy is very important, for this reason I recommend eating organic produce. You are the best person in this world, and you deserve the best that is why you should eat the best. Your body needs five portions of fruits and vegetables in your diet everyday. Practice getting all your minerals and vitamins from your meals. Breakfast: is the most important meal of the day, so make it a good one. Eat: fry eggs with broccoli, onions and mixed with bell peppers with a side order of bacon and wheat bread is delicious. Make sure to drink green tea, and a full diet of fruits such as cereal with bananas, pineapples strawberries and soy milk. Carrot juice is also refreshing in the mornings. Lunch: is the heaviest and largest meal of the day. Prepare yourself a salad or a soup for an appetizer. On your main entrees the rule of thumb is to have a good portion of green vegetables in your plate, this displays a good sign of healthy eating. Snacks: is eating fruits. A fruit makes a good desert. You can cut up some bananas with apples and add Nutella with some peanuts. You can also make your own yogurt and add some strawberries. Dinner: is the lightest meal of the day. If you decide to have a heavy dinner, eat early, and give your body ample amount time to digest before going to sleep. Remember to drink lots of water. Keep in mind that we are what we eat. By preparing your own meals. You will save money and know exactly what goes into your body. It is a win-win situation for you and your body. I advise you not to go to fast-food restaurants. Instead stroll yourself to the supermarket where you can buy already made lunches, or dinners such as sandwiches or you can purchase the items to make your own. Remember the supermarket uses its on produce and ingredients. Be intelligent and make your own lunch. For example: small yogurt, one banana, one apple, one ripe avocado, Swiss cheese, one baguette, one liter of green tea, a plastic knife, napkins some slices of ham or turkey and lunch is serve. If you do not get to eat it all, just store the leftovers in your car, or at your work or school community refrigerator. Cooking is an art. Anyone can learn how to cook. Have you seen the movie Ratatouille? Get inspired and buy a cooking book if necessary. We all like to eat so just glue yourself to the kitchen, read the recipe carefully, time yourself with a timer and most important taste the food. If needed ask mom or dad for cooking techniques. Remember to know your body and trained it and educate to eat well. Always pick your own fresh produce, be creative and bon appétite.
Our bodies are our temple. And since we are temples we need to maintain it both spiritually and physically. Yes the key word is EXERCISE. Is very simple! Walk or Run 4 times a week fo r60 minutes. Cardiovascular activities are very important for a healthy body. I suggest walking, running or even bicycling. The goal is to get a nice work-out. If you want to loose weight orgain body mass is all done through good eating and good exercise. Be a manager of your diet and your body. Walking: instead of taking the elevator take the stairs. Park your car further away from the store this open the opportunity to stroll in to the store. If you are at work invite a coworker to promenade around the office building for 15-20 minutes. Exercising in the morning increasing your productivity during the day. Some company managers support exercising effort by granting employees specific times for at work workouts and discounts at centers like bally total fitness. Remember the best exercise is cardiovascular activities such as running, jugging and walking. Lets get in shape and stay in fit. Running: is the best exercise invented the best time to jug is in the morning or in the evening. You need to start by stretching before and after doing any exercise is a safe way to maintaining a healthy body. If you decide to run in the morning for example; you can wake-up at 5:00AM and run for 60 minutes before going to work at 9:00AM. Divide your running schedule as follow; 5 minutes for stretching, 10 minutes for walking (warming up), 30 minutes running or jugging, 10 minutes walking (cooling down), 5 minutes stretching and you are done. Sports: is selecting an activity that suits your needs and schedule. Joining a soccer, basketball, volleyball or softball team are good examples and sources of cardiovascular activities. Some companies have their own sport team; ask your coworker and manager how to join. Promenade: any outdoor activity is great. Walking in the park or beach is a good idea. Yoga: is a good form of stretching and practicing breading, meditation and art all in one. Hygiene: is taking baths and showers. I recommend using products from the Dead Sea, a good substitute is regular salt. Used organic products like colognes, perfumes, lotions, moisturizer, and facial products are great. Create opportunity to exercise. Remember that exercising keep us looking good and healthy. Reading Exercise your mind. You nourish your body andalso your mind by reading novels, comics and literature. Take notes, visually and create vivid cartoonish pictures example of your text while reading. This brain exercise assist you in memorizing, learning and remembering subjects. Reading keeps you up to date of what is new and what is bright. I suggested reading minimum 3 books during a year. That is 1 book every 4 months. If you don’t have a library card get one for free. The library has all sorts of books, magazines, newspapers and academic journals available. Just make sure to turn the items on time. Selected a good area where you can enjoy your reading. For example: at home, the library, the beach or even Starbucks are good areas where you can enjoy a good book. The importance of reading is critical for the development of a person. Reading educates and inspires our young adults, mom, dad, coworkers, managers, grandpa, grandma, friends. Reading is the essence of life and innovation. Pick a subject and learn it thoroughly is the most important key and have fun. There is a new subject to learn everyday. Create a diverse reading habit from reading scientific journals up to comic books. When you finish reading the book from cover to cover pass it on to a love one. Join or open a book club where you can discuss a particular book with friends and family. Exercise your right and read. Knowledge is Power.
Being social is being active. There are millions of activities available in your community. For example; skiing, balling, concerts, dancing, operas, basketball playoffs, museums and art galleries events. Please check your local news papers for free events in your area. How to meet to new people? The answer is simply being approachable, friendly, smiling, being a good listener and asking open ending questions. Remember people love to talk about themselves and have fun. Starbucks is a good place where you can meet new people, read, have business meetings and listen to good music. Express yourself, your views and stand for what you believe. Open a good conversation, break all the rules, talk about religion, politics, abotion and sex. However, always be diplomatic but most important be yourself. Live by two simple words “love and respect”. Join a sports team or randomly play a new sport or activities such as rollerblading. Also jugging with your pets are a good idea. And if you don’t have one get a new born pet. Invite a friend that enjoys the same sports as you. If you are attending to a nightclub 4 people are the recommended amount of people for a good night-out. If you have never been to a Musical go see “Carmen” or the Lion King the answer is always today. Be intelligent, curious and adventurous. Overall the rule is make a new friend.
Networking is the exercise of keeping in contact with your friends, coworkers and colleges. There are many advantages in keeping in contact. For example, it allows you to be updated on new trends and opportunities in the working world. Your friends and family are your treasure of opportunity and wealth. The best way to keep up to date and in contact with your loves ones is via internet. Writing emails, creating a website, sending newsletters is a healthy and productive way of keeping in touch. Apply diverse skills of media and communication. The best rule of networking is making new friends and keeping in contact with them. That is why I recommend joining websites such as Facebook that allows you to post pictures, send emails and chat about your personal and professional life. Phone calls are good ways to keep connected however they expensive so budget yourself buy a 99 cents phone card at the 99 cent store. Job hunting? Always have with you a passport picture, copy of resumes, and copy of a job application completed with your full name, address, phone numbers, dates and job duties including professional and personal recommendations. Having a copy of your job application gives you the advantages to copy the information properly and rapidly to the application being undertaking. Remember that you are the vivant resume. Promote your self create a banner, a flyer with all your great attributes and be creative. Placed your advertisement flyer in strategic locations and provide it to friends, family, formal coworkers. Smile and be a people person full of charisma. Always dress for success and follow-up with a handwritten personal thank you notes. It is wise to return all your phone calls or email enquiries before 24hours. Develop a career portfolio. What is a career portfolio? It is a scrap book that includes your resume, letters of recommendation, thank you notes, awards, certificates, diplomas and is used as visual aid during your interview. If you don’t have a business card, create a homemade one you can purchase the material at staples and other stationeries stores. Or you can use ordinary paper, add the information you need such as name, phone number and email press print and you can cut the business card yourself. Developing a business plan of your business, of your life, of your empirical and ordinary ideas are important tools you can use to market and promote yourself. Good places to network are churches, mosques, synagogue, temples, nonprofit organizations, barbeques and formal events. Be innovative and friendly and remember that the best resume and marketing tool is you.
Selected a profession that you like and do it well. Apply education, experience and passion into anything you do the end result is success. Success is measured by everyone differently. However, I can safely say that success is inner happiness. In the 21st century, loyalty, honesty and integrity are key characteristics in a company and its employees. Conduct good business practices, be a role model and a leader in our business community. Provide a good product, a good service, together with respect and love for your customers, employees, owners and managers. Developing alliances at work is a everyday duty. Create long term relationships with your coworkers, vendors and customers. Just be sharp, friendly, smile and stay on the top of your game. Make it a habit to invite a new person to lunch every month. Stay away from gossips. Discuss family and work related topics. Stay innovative and up to date on new technology and business trends. Enroll yourself in a night, evening or weekend class. Your local community center, college or adult school have a variety courses available from computer training, time management up to language courses available. Pick up a new skill, update your resume and provide a copy to your human resource manager. Communication is the heart of every organization. Be a good communicator to your boss, coworkers and customers. If you are seeking a promotion inform your boss in advance about your goals and aspirations. Have a talk with him or her. Basically, plant seeds of success and gain favor over him or her. This works the same for pay increase. The only difference is to do your homework before hand and find out if the company is hiring for a similar or the same position. For example; your are a Office Specialist I and the company is hiring 3 new Office Specialist II this lets you know that the company needs more employees in your field and they have the resources available to provide you with a pay increase or promotion. If you want to change careers and want to get hired, you must network with your friends, family and coworkers. Dr. Alexandra Saba says: 80% of people today get hired through referrals by a friend, a colleague, a family member or an acquaintance. Participate in an upper management event where you can expose your quality and talents to the management team. Developing a relationship with your boss pays out in the end. Be punctual, detail orientated, team player, creative are examples for keys of success. And remember be bold, be intelligent and enjoy whatever you do and do it well.
Being in connection and in relation with the almighty is rewarding. Our connection and spiritual relationship manifest an internal wealth within each person. Like a tree that brings an eternal fruit participating all together as family indirectly or directly as an instrument of a divine purpose of wellbeing and prosperity. You can read the Torah, the Bible, the Buddhavacana, the Qur'an or any other divine text from cover to cover to nourish you heart, mind and soul. Whatever divine text you choose to read remember to implement respect and love in everything you do and take action. To be spiritual is to love, to have passion and compassion to everyone indifferently. Love, share and commune peacefully.
The art of volunteering! Be a volunteer. In reality you are the winner in this activity. You get the opportunity to meet new people, network, acquire new skills, help out in whatever you can, plus it makes you feel good. Basically, it is your opportunity in life to plant seeds of passion and compassion in your community.
- Be a big brother or big sister to a child.
- Be a tutor.
- Be an activist.
- Be empowering.
Donate 20 hours to your organization of choice monthly or yearly. Remember that you have information that others does not have and vise-versa; so share, learn and apply. Research organizations in your community that you will love to volunteer, send an e-mail, make a phone call and schedule a date, time and place of rendezvous and commenceyour adventure.
The art of Giving! Instead of trashing your unwanted clothes give it to Goodwill which works as a tax right off and make sure to ask for a receipt. There also blood drives, churches, mosques, synagogues, temples, nonprofits organizations. Giving is a good quality to have. Choose an organization that you like to assist and help the organization for life. Practice makes perfect so make it a habit to give. Remember to plant good sees of success in good soil. You will have a good harvest. Teach people to be self-reliance. For example: If you are a fisherwoman teach the men, the women but most important the children how to fish. You can donate money, material thing but you can also donate knowledge and wisdom. The art of giving makes you feel good and makesother feel good as well.
Leadership is an art! A leader guides, facilitates and empowers others through action. To be a leader one must be a people person, task orientated and full of charisma. A leader is always the bigger man or woman determined to accomplish his or her goals on time and under budget. A leader is doing things with the assistant of others and working all together in harmony as a team. Being a leader can be taught and learned. Practice your leadership skills in your community. Accomplish small tasks, step by step, add some more task gradually and completed all with dedication, respect and love. Use strong vocabulary so read and practice what you read. Key work is Application. Remember people remember the small stuff and that is what really counts. Be a leader and exercise your skills in your church, mosque, synagogue, temple, at work, and most importantly with your coworkers, friends and family. Being a leader is doing the right thing, keeping your word and being the best person you can at all times for the love of humanity.
The headquarters of your life is your family, they are your team. So please make time for them. Be innovative, patient, practical, caring, cheerful, respectful and loving. And most importantly, appreciated every second with them, love them and make them proud and happy.
The art of acquiring knowledge and wisdom! Advance yourself. Education is the key for success. It provides you with options and choices so empower yourself and become a lifelong learner. If you don’t have your high school diploma, attend a night school or take the general educational development test, known as the GED, is a good idea. If you have a high school diploma or equivalent your next step will be earning a university degree. Remember people who earns a college degree, statistically speaking earns twice or three times more during their lifetime in comparison to someone who has a secondary education. If you have your college degree, get your master degree and so forth, you get the picture. Take a class or two in whatever subject and grow. Be the best person you can be. The right time is always now. Live in the present. There is always something new to learn. Research the colleges and universities you would like to attend and apply. Regarding financial assistant the government, profit and non profits has thousand of grants and scholarship programs available. You can be eligible to go to college completely free. So apply today. Knowledge is power and power is Liberty. The are international universities that provides scholarships, there are national university that provide grants, you can attend a community college save some money improve your grades and finish your education in a four year university. We are all students of life. I want for you to consider been a student of a higher learning institution in that way you are creating more opportunities and option in your life. Learn which subjects interest you and apply yourself with dedication and love. Remember to make your learn process fun! While doing an assignment listen to classical music, for example: Mozart. Be attentive and enthusiastic about school. Education has endless rewards. Homework, presentations and assignments are important. Remember, the human mind can only concentrate for 45 minute intervals, that means for each 45 minutes the mind needs a 15 minute break. While you are in class you are there to listen and learn from your professor lectures and discussions pay attention and develop vivid mentally examples. A good thing to recite and write is: what did the professor discuss, what did you learn and how will you apply it. Read all the correspondent chapter and finish your homework before you attend class. Having a good diet, a good physical education or basically a good exercise work-outs is important for your growth. Be conscious that we learn in four basic ways: visual, oral, audio and through touch. Knowing how you learn subject will assist you in earning good grades. At school or in life it is good to develop good study and work habits. If you do have a higher learning education, congratulations and remember that you have an obligation to society to educated and help others reach their goals.
List of Universities that you can apply:
1. Woodbury University
2. Universidad Central de Venezuela
3. Université de Savoie
4. Université de Lausanne Switzerland
5. University of the West Indies
6. University of South Africa
7. Tsinghai University
8. University of Zurich Switzerland
9. Grenoble Universités
10. University of Delhi
11. University of Dubai
12. Macquarie University
13. The University of Tokyo
14. University of Sudan
If the university of your choice is abroad, research your topic, faculty, email your professor and staff members. Request information through the mail and apply. Education is the key that open many doors of opportunity and of success.
The art of saving time and money. Learning how tosave time and money is important to everyone.
So here are some tips:
- To clean kitchen, refrigerator , stoves and restroom: used a bottle with have vinegar and half water and scrub with baking soda.
- To take away wine stained: use milk right away.
- To whiting your teeth: mixed salt and baking soda and brush your teeth well.
- For mouth wash: use hydrogen peroxide water mixed with natural water.
- To save money on food: used coupons or buy food by stack, separate in small quantities and store well.
Program yourself to save money and time. For time management, practice being on time, and accomplishing small task step by step gradually. To save money, practice buying thing that you need only. Invest in property. Save your money to buy your home or open your own business. Apply vertically integration strategy in anything you do. Be an intelligent shopper. You need to read, and conduct research in your library on: products, services, nutrition facts, ingredients and substitutes. Learn the foundation, the core and essence of the everyday things you consume that way you can find similar and economical products and services. Learning the breadth of all the products and services that you consume everyday applying your love, heart and intelligence will assist you on saving.
Are you a sheep or a shepherd? I say you are neither. You are a creator. Art comes in many forms. Be a painter, be a signer, be a dancer, be actor, be writer, or learned new languages. Most importantly be creative. To spark your creativity you can attend classes for painting, dancing or acting at your local school. Remember, if you want to become a dancer, you must go to a school and places where you can learn and practice dancing. The same goes for a painter. If you want to become a painter. You must speak like a painter, walk like a painter and act like a painter, most importantly, be a painter. Follow your heart together and in harmony with your mind and intelligence. Art and crafts: is buying paint, brushes, paper, crayons, markers, general art material of your choice and commence making unique colourful shapes and forms. You can also write and develop your own novels, comic stripes, books and postcards. There are many resources available in your community. Creativity is the birth of innovation. We need more artists in this world, so be one of them and become an artist.
Always take your vacation. There are many exited places to visit. I recommend you visit a new places each time. Take the time to relax and enjoy your friends and family.
Make a new friend everyday. Smile and use your heart together and in harmony with your mind and intelligence. Develop activities where you can inviteyour friends, such as biking or ollerblading at the beach. We all know someone who we love and enjoy spending time with. Invite that person to an activity such as camping, bowling an even sky diving works well. Dedicate your time and love to build strong relationships.
What is your Vision? Is it to become the most achievable person in art, accounting, finance, engineering or architecture? What is your Mission? Is it to provide great customer services in Spanish? Or to become a mentor for young adult advocating persuading students to apply, attend and earning their college degree? Or is to be a good provide to your husband, wife or children? What is your Goal and Objectives? It it to earn your high school diploma before you become 65? Or to earn your bachelor degree before your become 56? Or get that new promotion before you become 47? What steps are you taking to achieve those goals and objectives? What is your due date? What is your Core competency? What can you do well? Are you a people person? What are your expertise's? Are you good in time management, finance or art? What is Point of Difference? Is it knowing a second language, typing 65 WPM, knowing distinctive software as CAD, COP, QAD or oracle? What are your 4 Ps of Marketing? What is your Product and Services? Is it your expertise, experience and education? What is your Price? Is it your salary and wages expectation? What is your Place or location? Is it Los Angeles, Tokyo, Paris or Brasilia? What is your Promotion and advertisement plan? Is it developing strong relationships? Is it distributing your resume, business cards and flyers? What is your Distribution? Is it signing up job hunting websites, networking with your friends, family and coworker? What is your SAOT? What are Strengths, Area of improvements, Opportunities and Trends? Is your strengths the years of experience working for a particular industry? Is your area of improvement is taking that advance excel class? Is your opportunity it applying for that management position? Is your trends are completing errands in the weekend in comparison to the weekdays? What is your Strategy? Is your strategy is networking, scheduling, managing relationships of all types including vendors, coworkers, managers and clients so that services and products get delivered on the due date? Is your strategy is being involved in all the decision making and processes of your product and services? Is your Strategy is implementing vertical integration, so that you know all the components that takes to develop a product or service? Is your strategy being and expert of knowing the root cause, the core and foundation of a specific product or services? What is your management plan? Is it taking small step and gradually adding task until completing the objective? Is it being on time? Is it scheduling your time adequate for business, career and family? Is it making sure to maintaining every in order? What is Implementation Plan? What steps are you taking in accomplish your task? Are you emailing that important letter to your girlfriend? Are you making that important phone call to your boss? Are you taking that class to get certified? Are you learning that new language, culture or software? Are you registering that important form? Are you being practical and using your resources? Are you conducting that conference call? Are you creating that matrix that your boss urgently needs? Have you created a timeline using a calendar in which you wrote your goals and objectives? Are you listening to your heart and mind in harmony with intelligence? Are you taking action? What is your Budget Plan? Is it saving money in your saving account, buying T-bonds, CD security deposits, investing in national or international real estate? Do you have a three years saving plan projection? Does it in one column include all your expensive such as rent, mortgage, insurance, car payments, food, alimony, gas and miscellaneous and in the other column all your source of income? What is Evaluation and Control Measurement? How do you evaluate your achievement? Do you evaluate your achievement by promotions and pay increase? Do you evaluate yourself be accomplishing that oracle, ISO, CPA or Six sigma certification? Do you evaluation by earning a BA or MBA? Do you evaluate yourself by owning your own house and automobile? Do you evaluate yourself by being debt free? Do you evaluate yourself by the content of your life? You are the best person created, you are perfect in and unique. Remember that if you program yourself to wake up in the morning to eat and to do basic necessities, you can program yourself to anything your heart desire. Is all about having and living your vision, mission, goals and aspiration. Think, where do you see yourself in 1 month, in 12 years? Act locally think globally and the answer is always now, today! Take control of life and enjoy it to the fullest.
Develop a 12 page business plan ofyour life. The business plan should contain: your vision, mission, goals and objectives with dates of completion, your strengths, area of developments, opportunities and trends, your marketing tools and strategy, budget plan, resources, implementation steps, your control measurements and take action. Remember if you have your life plan in paper with detail steps and dates of completion and you take action you will succeed.
Be thankful and celebrate all your accomplishments, from the smallest to the biggest, celebrateyour success.
I thank Jesus Christ, God, Jehovah, Buddha, Allah the Almighty, my beloved God Messenger Prophet Muhammed, Anita Ryan, Dialene V. Ryan McCall, Jesus Ignacio Mota, John C. McCall Senior, John C. McCall Jr., Lorenzo Carlisle, Nishae Denise Brown, Alexandra Saba, Shally & Satinder Dhiman, Ruth and Nancy Luna, The Bay Area Alternative Press, Sandra Hofmann, Semra Uygun, Altan Çebi, Ilker Aztec, Ugur Kodak, Cary Collado and Mom, Olivier Caro, Michelle Caro, Hector Campos, Elvia Bastardo, David and Denis, Woodbury University Staff & the MBA Association, Robert McCall, Augusto Martinez Jr. and Mom, Jose and Javier Maldonado Enciso, Marika Riga, Karina Nury Balam, Sandra Velovitch, Jason Anthony Rivera, Ingrid Ryan, Dexter Ryan, Natasha Ryan, Brian Bisio, Guillaume Delagneu, Hélène and Hervé, Frederic Marcourt, The Mota and Ryan family, Air Force Junior ROTC CA-24 Squadron, siranoush tokatlian, Aylin Larsen, Fiorella Chlodnik, Erika Arca, Glenda Valladares, Lydie Beaupère, Ales Kozak, Ariane Deschamps, Ariane Seitz, Hugo Bellefleur, Gizsem Kalkan, Kal Kostadinov, Rubén Curbelo, Medhi, Bolude, Odele, Seta Javor, Kenneth R. Nielson, Richard King, Diana A. Lopez, Michelle Wang, Jessica Ossola Loffredo de Souza, Yotchsy Ruiz, Willie Gonzalez, Elise Postigo, Kisheea Daniels, Katie Loftus, Alejandra Jupiter Jackson, Ercan Dermici, Dilek and Dilek Ercan, Elisaline Brosseau Beauvir, Le Père, Sophie Touahria and Valonsot, Francine Rakoto, California Peace Action, Alcoa Fastening Systems, Tamara Vasconcellos Mota, Emre Köseoğlu, Desarine Ryan, Lijia Mota, Percival Ryan, Sharon Ryan, Victoria Ryan, Jason Ryan and Mom, Omar Mota, Jeho Ryan, Odette L. A. Ryan, Leasette Ryan, Sylvester Ryan, Oleida Silva Mota, Ive N. Mota Pinder, Ileen V. Mota Pinder de Lee, Derek Lee, Aamayah Kajiwara, Ormaris Ferrer, Aneth Anzola, Kiryathais Ramosybarra Orlenis Ferrer, Orlando Ferrer, Francheska Mota (Davis), Cheyenne Carter, Mario Juarez, Maria Moralez, Juan Rivas, Eloy Martinez, Martin Martinez, Marvin Huang, Hiroshi Ohishi, Alexander Willer, Jesper Carsson, Cole Mahony, Larkin Carter, Oscar Espinosa, Foster William Brian, Santiago Elizondo Jr., Major Gam, Sgt. Lettries and Harper, Marlene Burbel, Ms. Traynor, Mark Stewart, Delvin & Anni Marti, Jose Urias, Ms. McIntosh, Johnnie C. McCall III, Raymond J. Mota Ryan, Raymond I. Mota, Kenneth Tucker, The Tucker Family, Tracy Chur, Olivier Jarrault, Haïthem Ben Abdelmalek, Jane Foster, Craig Watson, Stephane Weisse, Jeannine Zellner, Masha Spiricheva, Rasmus & Petter Jonsson, Tina Planinšek, Johnnie C. McCall Jr. , Oleidis Mayerlin Hernadez Silva, Meivi Esperanza Hernandez Silva, Pascal Bartlome, Antoine Spiteri, Moe Ghorbankani, Fabien Cassou, Feri Allameh, Nina Rawlings, Jose Manuel Silva Mota, Compton Senior High School, CUSD staff and friends., America and Maria Aguilar, Michael Reid, Olivier Boudara, Olga, Charles Rougé, Jesus Ramos, Olivier Andre, Jean-Luc Roncier, Raul Franco, Herrera Fred, Aldana Lucy, Tracy Kirkpatrick, Susan Ku, Maru Prakash, Edga Monterrosso, Frank Mulroney, Frank Musacchio, Natalia Soukhatchevskaia, Wendy Swan, Jonathan O’Connor, Lilia Grepo, Marilyn Politakis, Greig Oya, John Gonzalez, Mohammad Abdllah, Hurt Robin, James Lillie, Teresa Cooper, Diane Ealey, Amanda Watson, Jan Landers, Emily Fabiola Figuera Segovia, Bill Hart, Aina Pujol, Alejandro Nilo Saavedra, Darlene Bush, Olga Alvidres, Corinne Chomcheff, Caroline Capron, Marty Herrera, Jose Cortez, Jirier and Kat, Alfredo Barroso Jr., Bill Philip, Alvin Strancha, Ibrahim Ghazy Nasser, Holsey Brown, Bruno Almeida Laranjeira, Pedro Savad Abreu Paredes, Velbi Giriş, Cesar Palmieri, Rosa Ameilia Rodriguez, Laurent Thevenot, Anaïs Bosman, Yorgleidys Diaz, Kristian Silva, Ronald Silva, Adela de Silva, Dervin Pulgar, Jorge Herrera, Sra. Betty, Sra. Mayito, Daniel Perez, Carlos Regalado, Yorky Jose Diaz Mota, Bounenni Aymen, Mājid Dhārmdāss Khān, Dinesh Mirpuri, Michaela Mayr, Rubenci Gil Mota, Yves Broischer & Maria Jimena Peña Reyes, Johanna Rodriguez, Muchas gracias a todos de Arrecife Vista al Mar Edo. Vargas, Thank you to all my friends and theirs families, colleagues, coworkers, teachers, mentors, instructors, professors, my family and The United Nation. I LOVE YOU.
All Right Reserved
Copyright ©2009
Author, Photographer and Illustrator
Jehu Geddes Mota Ryan, MBA
701 West 49th Place
Los Angeles, California 90037
United States of America
Email: maitrejehu@gmail.com
Nishae Denise Brown
Hardcover Textbook Copy: Free
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Teacher Mr. Jehu Geddes MOTA RYAN, MBA Declaration:
All God children, families, friends and creations to be united in glory, love, and respect with righteousness truth relationship with our Father of all Fathers; the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob. We want and need to be united with you as one. We praise you and Love you always God of Gods, President of Presidents, Government of Governments, Teacher of Teachers, the Best of Bests. Thank you God Almighty, you are the powerful, you are number #1, you are the creator of everything! We love you! Ephesians 5:9, Leviticus 19: 1-37, Galatians 5:22, & John 3:16. In the name, power, and glory of God Almighty, the God of the Jews, the true God and only God of humanity so let it be written; so let it be done in his name, word, glory, and power. AMEN
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