Volunteer Proposal  Plan

Summary: seeking for a volunteer opportunity  to help children, students, handicap and the elderly succeed.  I can assist in developing educational professional and spiritual track for success. 

Activity Proposal #1:   I can assist the handicap and the elderly with their daily household chores.    I can also help them develop patries, art and crafts.    I can spend time with them, read and  have awesome conversations topics.   

Activity Proposal #2: I can open an on site, one-on-one, group, via skype conversation and listening English, Spanish and French CLUB. I can provide the opportunity for students and adults to practice their foreign language skills.   

Activity Proposal #3:
I can become a mentor, a tutor, and a teach for children. I can assist them develop their educational, professional and spiritual track for success. I can help them on thir daily homework, class work and social activities.

Conclusion: I hope to plant seed of success to future students and leaders of world and provide a helping hand to those in need. Foster and encourage good habitats on the young and the elderly.

Contact Information:  Please contact Mr. Jehu Mota, MBA for futher information on how is volunteer activities can work for you.  Email:  maitrejehu@gmail.com  Skype:  mr_jehu 

Volunteer Ad Proposal Plan:  Super V

Teacher Mr. Jehu Geddes MOTA RYAN, MBA Declaration:
All God children, families, friends and creations to be united in glory, love, and respect with righteousness truth relationship with our Father of all Fathers; the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob.  We want and need to be united with you as one.  We praise you and Love you always God of Gods, President of Presidents, Government of Governments, Teacher of Teachers, the Best of Bests.  Thank you God Almighty,  you are the powerful, you are number #1, you are the creator of everything!  We love you! Ephesians 5:9, Leviticus 19: 1-37, Galatians 5:22, & John 3:16.   In the name, power, and glory of God Almighty, the God of the Jews, the true God and only God of humanity so let it be written; so let it be done in his name, word, glory, and power.  AMEN

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